Beer Flight

Beer Flight

I got the idea for this beer flight from The Drunken Woodworker.  I took his design and added my own twists to make a gift for a friend of mine’s housewarming party.

This project can be tailored to whatever dimensions you want.  I messed around in SketchUp until I liked what I saw.  In retrospect, I should have gone with smaller holes.  I measured the beer glasses I had (not the ones pictured) and added 3/8″ to the diameter to make sure the fit wasn’t too tight.  Little did I know, the ones I have are not standard size.  When I make more of these, I will go with 2 3/4″ holes instead.

Ultimately, this was a really fun project.  I finished it in a day, including all the “new project” corrections and modifications.  I used wipe on poly for the finish and put on 5 coats, sanding with 320 between coats.  Some will say 320 is a bit excessive, but I like the results I get with it.

Thanks for being here!  Be sure to share it with your friends!  And, as always…Happy Beach Day!

  • Wood: Wenge, Purpleheart, Walnut, and Poplar
  • Finish: Wipe on poly
  • SketchUp: Download
Beer Flight
My first beer flight.

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